Leonard S. Slavit | August 22, 2024
A recent article in Newsday indicated that the number of motorcycle accidents increased dramatically across Long Island over the past year. While the reasons for this increase are complicated, an increase in distracted driving has been identified as one of the primary culprits. This has sparked a growing conversation over safety on Long Island’s roads, and what can be done to bring these deadly accidents under control.
Motorcycle Accident Fatalities Up in 2024
The number of people who died in motorcycle accidents in May and June doubled from the same time last year, increasing from six deaths in 2023 to at least twelve in 2024. Unfortunately, this is part of a continuing trend, as fatalities from motorcycle accidents in 2023 were up 12% compared to 2022, and up nearly 45% from four years prior. About half of all fatalities in these accidents were under the age of 30, with the rest being in their thirties and forties.
Distracted Driving a Growing Concern
One of the biggest contributing factors to this increase in motorcycle fatalities is an increase in distracted driving. This includes texting and driving, as well as other types of cell phone use or use of electronic devices while driving, which both motorcyclists and other drivers are guilty of doing. This is because when people are distracted behind the wheel, it is more likely they will fail to notice other vehicles in time to avoid an accident.
Intersections Seen As Especially Dangerous
Another persistent problem is the issue of intersections, where motorcycle accidents are most likely to occur. In particular, vehicles making left hand turns are more likely to collide into motorcycles due to not seeing them in their blind spots, especially larger vehicles like SUVs or trucks. When drivers are not careful, it is easy for them to collide with motorcyclists on their left, who they may not see until it is too late, resulting in an otherwise avoidable accident.
What Can Be Done
From a structural standpoint, roads could potentially be better designed to limit the risks of accidental collisions, particularly at intersections and other dangerous areas. More outreach to drivers may also need to be done to prevent people from engaging in distracted driving or other dangerous driving practices. In this way, the number of fatal motorcycle accidents could be brought back down, even if it never stops being a risk entirely.
If you or someone you love has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, seeking the advice from an attorney experienced in personal injury law will help assure you get the compensation you deserve. The lawyers at Levine and Slavit, PLLC assist clients in New York City and Long Island in obtaining the damages they need to cope with being the victim of negligence. For more information or to schedule a consultation with our New York personal injury lawyers, call (888) LAW-8088 or fill out our contact form.